Receipt PDF creator

Creates single file from multiple PDFs.
If you need to add images click here.


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How to create the PDF

  1. Select files to combine

    Drag and drop or click on the input button, a window you open to let you select any number of PDF files to be combined.

  2. Adding receipts that are just images instead of PDFs

    If you need to add images click here. NO HEIC, has to be JPEG/JPG/PNG.

  3. Rotate, move, or delete documents

    To remove or rotate a PDF document, simply hover over it with the mouse pointer and click the Rotate or Delete buttons.

    To reorder a PDF document, simply click on its thumbnail and drag it to the desired position.

  4. Process files

    To start processing, click on Process.

  5. Download results

    To fetch the results, click on Download button.